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Frequently Asked Questions

How can counselling or psychotherapy help? 
Counselling may not be right for everyone, and complex issues like childhood trauma do not have quick fixes. However, many clients who work with therapists experience benefits like:

Increased confidence and self-esteem

Stronger, healthier relationships

Resolution of childhood-centered traumas or loss

Reduced symptoms of other mental health issues such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety

We are knowledgeable about complex trauma-related issues, have experienced many of these issues first-hand, and are able to provide support tailored to the unique needs of individuals. We understand that few safe spaces exist for clients to share their experiences, we are honoured to be able to provide such a place for so many wonderful folks, and we consider your experience to be sacred. As we unravel the trauma that is caused in childhood and the way our nervous systems have organized themselves around that trauma, we learn to make peace with the coping mechanisms that got us this far, while creating new strategies that lead to stronger relationships and a more meaningful life. Most importantly, we recognize that childhood abuse, neglect, and relinquishment are developmental, relational, and attachment traumas, and that a healthy, attuned therapeutic relationship with an understanding and compassionate practitioner is key to healing.
When should I consider getting counselling? 
It might be a good time to consider counselling if:

1) You are experiencing depression, anxiety, or ‘stuckness’ that feels like it might be related to trauma, loss, or your childhood experiences.

2) Intrusive thoughts about childhood experiences are affecting your day-to-day life or relationships.

3) You are experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or overwhelm.

4) You notice a pattern of difficulties in relationships that you cannot explain. 

It is not uncommon for people to go through life without really considering the impact of their childhood experiences. For many of us, patterns arise in our jobs and our relationships that we want to change, but we never associate them with our early life experience. Many of us have sought counselling throughout our lives to change certain behaviours, but the therapies were not effective because we didn’t recognize the root problem and the therapist did not fully understand the potential impacts of adverse childhood experiences like relinquishment, neglect, or abuse. It is only when we are older and able to reflect back  that many of us start to grasp the significance that our upbringing had on us at the time, and during every phase of development since. Whether we knew it or not, whether our childhoods were happy and loving or not, they affect every aspect of our lives. Even if you have tried therapy before, if you have feelings or behaviours that you would like to change and if you think they might be related to your childhood journey, now might be a good time to reach out for support.

How much does psychotherapy cost and how often do we meet?s psychotherapy cost and how often do we meet? 

At Kintsugi Counselling, we want to ensure that everyone has access to mental health care. Our normal fee for a 50-minute virtual session is $140.00. Because our psychotherapy is provided by a regulated mental health professional (Registered Social Worker), no HST will be added to your invoice. Most insurance plans include psychotherapy and although we do not have the ability to bill your insurance company directly, we provide every client with an official receipt after each appointment that can be used for insurance reimbursement or tax deductions.

We recognize that even though our regular rates are below what most others charge, this may still not be affordable for everyone. To honour our commitment to social justice and equal access to mental health service for all, we do reserve a limited number of spots to see clients on a sliding scale basis. If psychotherapy fees would cause you financial hardship, we may be able to offer therapy at a reduced rate. We believe that everyone who is struggling deserves access to treatment.

There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer to the question of the most effective frequency for psychotherapy as it depends on numerous factors, including the severity of the problems being addressed, the goals of therapy, and the needs and preferences of the individual. Some clients benefit from weekly sessions, while others are more comfortable meeting bi-weekly or monthly. Often clients will begin therapy with weekly sessions and as their skills and confidence grow, they reduce the frequency over time. Additionally, the length of treatment can vary from just a few sessions to several weeks, months, or even years. Please know that we want what is best for you and will work with you to create a treatment plan that is best for you. Although we always want to be there for you, our goal is for you, as quickly as possible, to not need us anymore.

Is Is Virtual Therapy as effective as in-person therapy?Virtual Therapy as effective as in-person therapy? 

Virtual psychotherapy, also known as online therapy or teletherapy, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Some of the advantages of virtual psychotherapy include:

1. Accessibility: Virtual therapy allows people to access mental health services from anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection. This is especially beneficial for individuals who live in remote areas or have limited mobility.

2. Convenience: Virtual therapy eliminates the need for travel time, the cost of travel and parking, and allows clients to attend sessions from the comfort and safety of their own homes. This can be particularly helpful for clients with busy schedules or find it difficult to get away.

3. Anonymity and privacy: Virtual therapy can provide a greater sense of anonymity and privacy, as clients can attend sessions from the location of their choosing. Many people who struggle with intimacy find the therapy office intimidating. Virtual therapy allows the client more control over their personal space as they explore the impact trauma and loss has had on their lives.

Virtual therapy has been well received by our clients, but we recognize that it may not be suitable for everyone. Please do not hesitate to discuss your feelings about virtual psychotherapy with us and request other options if you are uncomfortable with our process.

What is NARM Therapy? 

NARM Therapy stands for NeuroAffective Relational Model, which is a therapeutic approach that addresses childhood trauma and helps individuals build a new identity.
NARM Therapy works by helping individuals develop new ways of coping with trauma and building meaningful relationships. It focuses on reducing stress, shame, and anxiety by changing how an individual relates to their traumatic experiences.

The benefits of NARM Therapy include improved coping strategies, reduced stress, shame, and anxiety, and the ability to form meaningful relationships. It can also help individuals rebuild their sense of identity after experiencing childhood trauma.

 During a NARM Therapy session, you can expect a non-judgmental and supportive environment. Your therapist will not tell you what to do, but rather explore new ways of being and coping with your experiences together.

I have been told I have a disorder (like ADHD, BPD, Depression, etc). Could my symptoms be a trauma response instead? 

Absolutely, and although we are not qualified to diagnose any medical or psychological conditions, it is possible for symptoms of trauma to be mistaken for symptoms of a disorder. Trauma can cause a wide range of symptoms, including anxiety, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, phobias, dissociation, and difficulty with relationships. These symptoms can be similar to those of other disorders, such as post-traumatic strtess disorder (PTSD), borderline personality disorder (BPD), and depression. It is important to seek help from a qualified mental health professional who can properly diagnose and treat any potential trauma or disorder.

How much does psychotherapy cost and how often do we meet? 

At Kintsugi Counselling, we want to ensure that everyone has access to mental health care. Our normal fee for a 50-minute virtual session is $140.00. Because our psychotherapy is provided by a regulated mental health professional (Registered Social Worker), no HST will be added to your invoice. Most insurance plans include psychotherapy and although we do not have the ability to bill your insurance company directly, we provide every client with an official receipt after each appointment that can be used for insurance reimbursement or tax deductions.

We recognize that even though our regular rates are below what most others charge, this may still not be affordable for everyone. To honour our commitment to social justice and equal access to mental health service for all, we do reserve a limited number of spots to see clients on a sliding scale basis. If psychotherapy fees would cause you financial hardship, we may be able to offer therapy at a reduced rate. We believe that everyone who is struggling deserves access to treatment.

There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ answer to the question of the most effective frequency for psychotherapy as it depends on numerous factors, including the severity of the problems being addressed, the goals of therapy, and the needs and preferences of the individual. Some clients benefit from weekly sessions, while others are more comfortable meeting bi-weekly or monthly. Often clients will begin therapy with weekly sessions and as their skills and confidence grow, they reduce the frequency over time. Additionally, the length of treatment can vary from just a few sessions to several weeks, months, or even years. Please know that we want what is best for you and will work with you to create a treatment plan that is best for you. Although we always want to be there for you, our goal is for you, as quickly as possible, to not need us anymore.